Help Center

We know that finding the right caregiver for your loved one is a big decision. That’s why we’re here to help—we want to make sure you find the perfect person to care for you or your loved one.

If You Hire the Caregiver

If You Hire the Caregiver

Once your caregiver gets started, there are a few things you should do to make sure they're set up for success. Tell the caregiver who they should call if they need to call off or if they are running behind schedule. Also, the caregiver is always to notify Caregiver...

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Conducting an Interview

Conducting an Interview

Interviewing a new caregiver can be a nerve-wracking experience—especially when you're looking for someone who will help your loved one with their daily needs. Here are some tips to help you get through this process with as much ease as possible: Conduct the initial...

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Considering Caregivers

Considering Caregivers

When you're looking for a caregiver, it can be hard to know where to start. We're here to help you find the perfect caregiver and make sure that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. It's important to think about these three things when...

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Hourly Rate:

$1.85 per hour (1-8 hours of care)

Daily Rate:

9-12 hours: $15/day

+12 hours: $18/day

Monthly invoice will reflect the number of daily service hours requested.


Negotiated between the client and caregiver